Diagnostic Analysis

American Accent Training's diagnostic analysis is a comprehensive examination of your accent, intonation, pronunciation, voice quality, and word linking. All AAT analysts have a Masters Degree or PhD.

This analysis saves you time and energy in that it tells you specifically what you need to do to learn the American accent, and what you do not need to do. This means that certain elements of your accent are just fine, and you don't need to waste time in those areas. Your analysis will guide you toward standardizing your speech.


Step 1

The first part is the online placement testing, covering accent, pronunciation, comprehension, listening skills, Hearing Skills Tests, grammar and writing. This comprehensive testing is included free with registration for the Diagnostic Accent Analysis and the results are included in your final report.

Step 2

The second part is a one-hour private session with an AAT certified Accent Analyst. The session is an extremely detailed discussion. Although it is closely formatted, you are welcome to ask questions that relate directly to your own experience. The analyst then sends you a detailed report that clearly delineates what you need to do to attain a standard accent.

Step 3

The third part of the Diagnostic Analysis is a quick follow-up session with your analyst where you can ask any questions pertaining to your report, the textbook, AAT courses, or your accent in general.

You get all three sections of the analysis for only $100.00.

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